zéphyr, performant heating
Zéphyr, a performant heating
Photo : "Gris" and "bleu taloché" contemporary bathroom, "gris" heating column. - zéphyr by Sanijura
Choose an innovative heating
Zéphyr is an exclusive innovation patented by Sanijura in association with a recognised infrared heating specialist. Zéphyr is the combination of a cabinet associated with a heating system incorporated in a door/front. It delivers 500 W for reduced dimensions of 175 cm high by 40 cm wide and 35 cm deep.
Zéphyr, an economic heating with long infrared radiation
Photo : Copper and natural wood bathroom, double "cuivré" glass washbasin and "noir" lacquered heating column. - zéphyr by Sanijura
Minimize energy losses
Sanijura has opted for long infrared radiation in order to eliminate the discomfort and energy losses associated with convection heating. This solution offers the advantage of heating both people and the walls/objects facing the cabinet so that they gradually give back the stored heat, enabling even better performance. Heating people and not air provides excellent comfort and efficiency linked solely to the area of the bathroom regardless of its height.
Zéphyr, a heating with a radio thermostat
Photo : Scandinavian style bathroom, "chêne massif" set, "gris" lacquered heating column - zéphy by Sanijura
Programmez votre chauffage
Zéphyr is controlled using a radio thermostat to optmise comfort and consumption. This thermostat equipped with numerous programs allows everyone, in accordance with their habits and lifestyle, to have the temperature they want when they use their bathroom area. And to prevent this comfortable external heating from damaging your products stored inside Zéphyr, the door is insulated to limit the internal temperature rise.